Tuesday, October 17, 2006

PIFF/AFM continues

To make up for no photos yesterday, here is a picture of a whole entire pig that was carved up at the Japan party. The Japan party was the best party so far. Most of the parties are identified by where the organizing delegates are from, e.g. the Hong Kong party, the Japan party, the Taiwan party, etc. Singapore is clearly too cheap to have a party. Ha. We do have a suite and a booth, and today, I was peckish, so I stopped by and they offered me cup noodles. I ate it. Of course.

And here's a photo of fans who love taking their picture with pictures of stars.

More meetings today, but just one more tomorrow! Hopefully I can catch at least one screening, though so far I've already missed all the movies that I really wanted to see.


Anonymous said...

Those are STUDENTS! I hope they are students, as taking your picture with a picture of a star is very sad. By the way, isn't Andy Lau being feted at this thing? I read it in Screen International or something like that. If you see him, tell him I said "hi" - I bet he won't remember me, ha ha. Hope you make it to a screening!

Anonymous said...

That's a very scary picture. At first I thought I was looking at the scene of an operation.
ps I'd never turn down cup noodles!

opus2 said...

hello chums and "anonymous" (i totally know who you are..!), I haven't seen Andy Lau but i will say hi to him if I do. And yes those are students, but they weren't the only ones doing that! Everyone was - students, army boys, regular folk, etc. Koreans love taking their picture with anything. It's cute.

Anonymous said...

Shhh! Not so loud. You don't want the Japanese to feel threatened over their status as lovers of photography. Have you been roped in to snap photos for anyone yet? You should try to make each shot "arty", heh heh.... E

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see the picture you procured for me!! ha ha - moving squid and piglets are all very surreal. J